The Boy Who Cried Aliens

Posted: May 6, 2012 in Uncategorized

There was once a boy named Sam. Sam loved to lie and play pranks on the local village. One day, while he was tending to one of the village farms, an idea struck him. He decided to kidnap one of the sheep every night and blame it on aliens by leaving telltale signs of their “appearance”. So he did.

The farmers were skeptical however, and Sam was caught red-handed on the third night. The villagers decided enough was enough and decided to hang him. The night before Sam’s hanging however, Sam vanished into thin air. Disappeared from jail. What was left in the cell Sam was in were writings on the wall written in blood. “ALIENS”. The villagers searched high and low for him but Sam was never seen ever again. The strange thing was, more and more sheep kept disappearing from the local farms. At first the locals blamed it on Sam who disappeared some time ago but then goats and cows started disappearing as well. Flattened crop in weird shapes, now known as “crop circles”, started appearing each time an animal was taken. When investigated by brave farmers armed with shotguns during the night, even they vanish. All thats left the next day are their clothes and dried blood.

  1. theredpants says:

    And then what happened?!!

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